Binary Appreciation Survey

Welcome to the Binary Appreciation Survey. This form was created to fulfill a Free Code Camp challenge.

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The challenge itself was simple, and could have passed without any styling. Nor does it functionally post the data anywhere. However, there was an encouragement to “Give it your own personal style.”

…I couldn't help myself. I gave myself some challenges; a form themed on Binary.

    The criteria:
  1. Only code to the level of Free Code Camp courses I have completed (i.e. no scripts)
  2. Should look like a 1980's terminal
    • Only 2 colours are allowed
    • Non-html5 validation errors should appear as if in the terminal
    • Required field signifiers should appear as if in terminal
    • Inputs should be fully styled to fit the theme
  3. Binary theme should be all or nothing (because: binary)
  4. Form must be accessable
  5. Form must be responsive
  6. No external libraries; this is a learning exercise

I think I have succeeded in most of these: I'm not sure the number input is fully accessable, and there's a horizontal scroll on mobiles to fix (eventually).

But I am calling this completed. I've learned a lot about styling forms and how they are rendered. Which is (un)surprisingly complicated, messy, and full of backwards-compatability issues and assumptions about user-expectations. I imagine user expectations will only shift the more designers and web devs use javascript and hacky CSS to customise things.

Please note, no data is submitted in this form.

form key:

Do you like Booleans?
To ensure you're human, please add any of the following numbers to equal 01000: